5 sport nutrition tips during a holiday week off Nutrition & Diet management by elearningsport - 02/07/202002/07/20200 Here it is, I have been on holiday and no sport activities so far. Also was not really careful about my food diet but here are some easy tips to 1. Breakfast : load you up with eggs 2. Lunch : low carbs and full of vegetable. Unfortunately I still tend to eat too much bread and I still could not find a good substitute of it 3. Snacks: avoid all chips and peanuts during the apéro and parties. Instead drug lots of water 4. Dinner : pasta soup with white meat such as turkey or chicken works well for me 5. Enjoy your holiday. It is also a holiday for your body and mind One or twice a week, do a swimming session to keep
Yoga and Running: the perfect combination Running Sport psychology & mind-set management for better results Yoga by elearningsport - 14/06/202002/09/20200 Running and Yoga or Yoga and Running, no matter the order and your preference are both among the two most popular sport activities in many countries. Personally I am doing more running than yoga, but not too say I am not doing yoga at all. I think yoga more as a complementary stretching activity after my runs to keep my body muscles flexible in and in shape. Here is what I think why: Stretching: extremely important as you grow older. If you don't do that, you feels your legs like to piece of woods and heavy to carry Breathing: yoga teaches you to breathe properly during various posture. Optimal breathing is obviously also a keep element of running efficiently (and even more important
Missing Swimming… Performance Improvement Sport psychology & mind-set management for better results Swimming by elearningsport - 01/06/202001/06/20200 Photo by Artem Verbo on Unsplash I remember when I was a very young child I was scared of diving into the water as I was so sure to drawn under. It took me time and courage to overcome my fear. However, this is a very common reaction in young children and it teach them a lot, not only about why it is important to learn to swim, but also in life we should face our fears and not avoid them. 35 years later, I can simply not live without swimming. Water has become an environment, where I feel calm and at peace. It has now been over 2 months I didn't go for a swim and it is missing into my training. Like many
Why virtual run alone are still fun to do ? Running Sport psychology & mind-set management for better results by elearningsport - 03/05/202003/05/20200 Today, I participated to my first virtual worldwide race: Wings for Life World Run. The principle is quite simple Download their app Start running at a specific date and time. Here it was May 3rd at 13:00 CET Run as far as possible, anywhere you want (either your usual route or different one) Enjoy... When does the race finishes ? Up to you and to your speed...as you are chased by a virtual car, which goes faster as the distance covered increase. Pretty cool isn't it ? Obviously, it will never feel like being in a race village, getting ready, feeling the adrenaline, checking other participants and taking pictures....But still it was really cool. Also, of course you run for a
Working out while working from home. Top 5 tips to stay active Performance Improvement by elearningsport - 10/03/202010/03/20200 Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash Like many people today in the world, I will work from home today and would like to share with you my 5 top tips to stay active. Note those are just based on my personal experience and I would be keen to know yours. As you might guess, staying at home and not moving (to go to the office or even during the day for in person meetings) can feel be lonely and depressing. However, even if you interact and move less while you work from home, it is key you move. Tip # 1: Wake up earlier than usual when you go to the office and do exercise (go out for running or to the pool) is the