Why virtual run alone are still fun to do ? Running Sport psychology & mind-set management for better results by elearningsport - 03/05/202003/05/20200 Today, I participated to my first virtual worldwide race: Wings for Life World Run. The principle is quite simple Download their app Start running at a specific date and time. Here it was May 3rd at 13:00 CET Run as far as possible, anywhere you want (either your usual route or different one) Enjoy... When does the race finishes ? Up to you and to your speed...as you are chased by a virtual car, which goes faster as the distance covered increase. Pretty cool isn't it ? Obviously, it will never feel like being in a race village, getting ready, feeling the adrenaline, checking other participants and taking pictures....But still it was really cool. Also, of course you run for a
Why Sports is a way to do business ? Performance Improvement Sport psychology & mind-set management for better results by elearningsport - 16/02/202016/02/20200 Photo by Olga Guryanova on Unsplash Today sports is not only the practice of regular physical activities. For many, it has become a way of life...and therefore a way of working. So sport mindset and attitude are also present in the office (consciously or unconsciously). It is no secret now that companies realize the benefits of having healthy, active staff, either physical or mental for the individual and the teams. During my different work assignment, as either IT consultant or now project lead, I have been trying to bring the culture and attitude of sport with me and give to people working with me. Nowadays, there are many example companies use sport to foster collaboration and team building, from running during lunch break to
Developing resilience through Sport. Best life lesson ever Sport psychology & mind-set management for better results by elearningsport - 06/01/202006/01/20200 Resilience definition: capability of a strained body to recover its size and shape after deformation caused especially by compressive stress. An ability to recover from or adjust easily to misfortune or change. Reading at this definition, I quickly found on Google, it strikes me to see how resilience is so crucial in sport but also most importantly in life in general. Regardless of who we are, where we live, what we do, how fit we are or not, we will encounter difficulties in our lives. Based on my personal experience, sport taught me resilience (and still teaches me today) that I haven't found elsewhere. The feeling to never give up, get back to training after a poor performance, lose or disappointment