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Top 10 tips to improve your running during pandemic lockdown time

Times are weird right now because of the famous pandemic, allowing people to adapt to new strategies to keep the world moving. Citizens are looking for different ways to keep themselves busy. And one of the methods, the people are accomodating is physical activity. According to scales, more and more active runners are emerging during these times of COVID-19.

cording to the WHO, a strong immune system is a key element in protecting yourself from the virus. A good diet and an active lifestyle are important factors for getting that immunity.

Let’s assume that you are eating greens and reds, but are you focusing on your running? Whether you are a new runner or a regular one, the first step is the hard one. Then, it is like walking in the park. After that, the only thing is to stick with the new habit. To do that, gather up your “motivation topped with excitement” and read the tips to improve running during the pandemic.

1. Have a Purpose

Ever heard the phrase “Walk with a purpose”? Well, we recommend “Run with a purpose”.

Whether you are tying your laces for the first run or you are a marathon runner, having a purpose is a key agenda here. Let’s look at the story of Carly and Bob. Both of them are runners, who want to create a better version of themselves. Carly has outlined the goals that she wants to achieve after the specified time. Whereas, Bob just gets up and starts running. The problem here is Bob does not know what he is doing because there are no aims sketched here. On the other hand, Carly slowly tackles her goals, allowing her to reach the end of the line. To conclude, having a purpose is important, and here are some of the things you can do.

  • Mark a weight limit that you want to reach
  • Comply that you have to complete that half circuit
  • Outline the prescribed distance you want to cover

2. Create the pace

Now that we have established that purpose is important, let’s talk about the second tip. If you think that running actually means “Getting out and start moving at a fast pace”, you are wrong. In reality, there are multiple factors and one of those factors is pace. Pace will simply adjust according to your experience and to get that experience, read these methods.

  • Increase the mileage each week: Take a look at the structure of a training plan (consisting of short and long runs) because they are designed to gradually increase your distance and speed without overdoing it.
  • Add speed to the last mile: In running, every mile counts, and the last one matters the most. For creating pace, cover that mile with a speed.

3. Add combinations

Driving a car in a circle sounds absurd, right? The same is the case with working on just calves or hamstrings. Eventually, you will get bored by just running and running. So, the answer to that is the incorporation of different exercises, for example,

  • Leg raises: After the warm-up, start with a set of 15 reps of leg raises
  • Circuit running: Look for a roundabout in your neighborhood use that to perform short bursts.
  • Jumping: To add the fun, jump by using a set of 100 reps after you are done sprinting. 

4. Run smartly

Are we talking about using cyborg parts here? No, by running smartly, I mean, look for the right ways to run. An essential part to keep going is having a structured plan for example,

  • Walk, Run, Walk: Running at a greater speed at the start can lead to serious consequences. So the solution is to follow the ” Walk, Run, Walk” rule. Warm-up the body in the start by adding a slow pace. When done, take a sprint for as long as you can handle. After that, end the regime by walking towards the home. 
  • Run by time: Layered a column where all your workout methods are defined by time. For example, if you are taking a 20-min run, it should be a 20-min, no matter how far you travel.  

5. Work on strengths

The human body is like a car and starting a car in cold weather is not a good idea. Just like that, working on a body in the same manner results in serious injuries, leading towards long-term results. The solution to that is to join a strength-building program to build strength. Or, you can create your own plan by adding these

  • Add planks: This will increase your core, lower back, and shoulders. Start by holding the body in a plank position for 30 seconds and increase the time as you gain strength.
  • Squats: Lower body targeting will help in building hamstrings, quads, and glutes, allowing your legs to get stronger. Begin with 2 sets of 10 reps and add the variety as you get used to it. 
  • Ball bridge with a hamstring curl: This will entirely focus on building hamstrings and glutes. Start with the set of 4 and complete it in 8 repetitions. 

6. Maintain the routine

During the lockdown, you may have noticed a variation developing in your daily routine. And, by variance, I don’t mean the positive kind where you are able to maintain a healthy diet and a productive routine. Working from home and then staying inside for the majority of your week means less activity. Combined with our tendency to reach for unhealthy snacks over healthy ones, and choosing to sleep or binge-watch a show instead of working out, the situation quickly turns dire.

If you relate to any of this, it’s time for you to step up the game and take COVID as a motivation to start and maintain a routine of running daily instead of lying in bed. Follow these tips for keeping the motivation and maintaining the routine

  • Take regular walk-breaks
  • Rest or cross-train on your off days
  • Divide the runs by taking a 20-min run on weekdays and 40-min on weekends

7. Switch surfaces

According to the rule, an active runner should switch surfaces to improve their workout strength. This also helps in preventing injuries. Some prefer, running on asphalt roads, while others prefer concrete side-walks. But, the best surface to run depends on your goals.

  • Asphalt roads: Optimum for runners who are looking for speed and consistency, allowing them to perform speed workouts
  • Concrete: With this, runners can reduce the risk of impacts, enabling them to take a regular jog. 
  • Grass: Grass surface allows runners to increase foot strength because of viscous property. Furthermore, the lower-impact feature is optimum if you are a new runner.
  • Trails: Chip trails offers a cushioned surface. Runners who are looking for maintaining flexibility can use this solution
  • Sand: Running on sand is a completely different experience as the surface provides resistance, allowing runners to work on their calves and thigh muscles. 

8. Discipline is the key

Runners are creatures of habit, and that means building discipline is an important factor here. Actually, getting sidetracked by any events is possible and this can lead to missing work out. Yes, this is unavoidable due to emergencies, but in most cases, poor management is to blame. The solution is to plan this physical activity using discipline. To understand it better, follow these tips.

Plan ahead: Let’s say you are planning to exercise the very next day. Prepare a bag containing water bottle, activewear, along with shoes and place it by the door the night before. Moreover, keeping a bag of fitness clothes in car is also useful.

Jump a day: As mentioned, there are chances, you will miss your work out either because of guests coming or you are too tired that day. So, the answer to that is to take that day off and shift your running regime a day head. But, make sure that you don’t miss days simultaneously.

9. Entertain yourself

Technology has made running pretty easy because now, you can take a lap without any boredom. We know that the word “Fun” with running sounds absurd, but turning your exercise into entertainment results in greater motivation. There are plenty of ways through which a runner (new or existing can do that). For example,

Games: Plenty of exercise games are available on Play Store and iOS store such as the Walk and Zombies, Run. These games enable runners to maintain the routine compared to people who don’t use the apps.

Music: Music is a form of art that changes the way people think. The same is the case with runners. Listening to Linkin Park or Neffex will surely boost your enthusiasm and give you a drive.

10. Keep your body in check

 The human mind is the smartest thing on the planet, allowing runners to track how well or bad their body is performing. Basically, our body reacts to whatever scenario we place it in. The also applies to exercise such as running. Let’s take some situations.

  • Positive Feedbacks: When you are running by keeping all the parameters in check, the result is notable. This frenzy you sense after running means your body is reacting positively to it. You will feel,
    • Refreshed experience
    • Active mind
    • Ability to maintain a proper breathing rhythm
  • Negative Feedbacks: Running like other things can have negative results when done excessively. But, the good thing is you will get to know when something is wrong. For instance,
    • Pain sensations in the body
    • Dizziness
    • Blurred Vision

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Hamza Ahmed was born and raised in the city of Islamabad, in the beautiful mountain province of Pakistan. Hamza considers his discipline and family to be most important to him. If he isn’t spending time with his friends and family, you can almost always find him around his black German Shephard, Rex.