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Best Yoga for Runners

yoga routine for runners

Best Yoga for Runners

The Simple Yoga Flow for Runners!

Best Yoga for Runners, A shout-out to all sports lovers out there, for those who practice indoor or outdoor sports. In this article, we’ll share a simple routine of Best Yoga for Runners to help you warm-up before your activity.

You may be questioning yourself, but why warm-up?

Firstly, warming-up is highly recommended before any activity and also afterwards. Stretching after your run helps your body to cool-down.

It is such an important part, and at the same time one of the most neglected. According to the National Sports Medicine Institute a warm-up consists of a series of exercises to:

  • Increase circulation;
  • Increase body temperature;
  • Bring the heart rate up;

Your muscles will be more prepared for the movement they will make during the practice of an activity.

Best Yoga for Runners

A good warm-up should last between 15 minutes and half-an-hour. That is enough time to gradually get the body ready. It also gives you some time to get mentally prepared and focused.

It is proved that a proper warm-up helps to avoid injury. This process will help to reduce the chances of hamstring strains and muscle soreness by allowing the body to prepare steadily and safely.

With those recommendations in mind, we prepared a simple, but powerful yoga routine for runners.

Yoga strength and routine for Runners

And why to stretch with a Yoga flow for runners?

Our intention is to avoid the monotony of stretching by introducing a flow to activate your entire body. Integrating your mind, breath & body – ensuring your best overall performance.

At elearningsport we aim to share some easy exercises that everyone can practice and improve their performance.

If you are looking for some inspirational quotes: check out our Instagram page, filled with a bunch of nice ones.

We know that running is an exercise that heavily impacts the legs, hamstrings, knees, ankles, and feet. The following Yoga for runners sequence was designed aiming to stretch those areas.

A simple flow of Yoga for runners with 9 poses to practice before running, to warm-up your body and avoid injuries:

1 – Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

As simple as the Mountain Pose may look, it is extremely powerful.

This posture is the beginning of most Yoga sequences, bringing you into the moment. To start, you should equally balance your weight and distribute it between your feet.

Best Yoga for Runners


  • Stand-up with feet parallel on the floor;
  • Breath in and straight-up your posture;
  • Let your shoulders relax and release your arms next to your body;
  • Keep the awareness at all times on your legs;
  • You can shift your weight left & right, front & back until your find your weight balanced evenly on the feet;

2 – Toes Stretch

Best Yoga for Runners


  • Gently lift your left foot and take it back;
  • Press your toes against the floor, releasing a nice stretching sensation;
  • Hold it for a few seconds and then repeat it with the other foot;

3 – Forward Fold (Uttanasana)

Forward Fold deeply stretches and lengthens your hamstrings and calves. It opens the hips and can relieve tension in the neck and shoulders.

Yoga strength and routine for Runners


  • After stretching your toes, find your balance back at the centre, inhale deeply and bring the attention to your hamstrings;
  • While exhaling, from the hips, forward fold towards the floor, maintaining the back straight;
  • If you canโ€™t touch the floor, gently bend your knees;
  • Bring your weight to the balls of your feet;
  • Keep your hips aligned over your ankles;
  • Hold this position for a few breathes, you can sway side-to-side if you feel like it to add some movement to it;

4 – Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana) & 5 – Half Splits (Ardha Hanumanasana)

Those 2 postures combined are great to stretch the thighs, groins, and open the chest.

Yoga strength and routine for Runners


  • Once you’re ready, bend your knees generously, place both your palms flat on the floor, bringing the right legs backwards;
  • Lower your knee on the floor;
  • Find your & balance and raise your torso with hands facing the sky;
  • Hold it for a few breaths;
  • To flow into the next pose, bring the hands back to the floor;
Yoga routine for Runners
  • With the help of your fingertips, โ€œwalkโ€ your body backwards straightening your front leg;
  • Hold the posture for a few breaths;
  • If it is the case for you, bring some movement, moving gently forwards & backwards;

6 – Plank (Phalakasana) & 7 – Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Shvanasana)

Plank and Down-dog are extremely helpful to increase your core strength. Also stretching the back body and strengthens the shoulders and core.

Yoga strength and routine for Runners
  • Pose your hands on the floor as wide as your shoulders;
  • Bring both of your legs backward;
  • Feet as wide as your hips;
  • Spread your fingers wide, on plank pose;
Yoga pose Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Shvanasana)
  • Hold it for a few seconds, moving to Downward Facing Dog;
  • Reach your tail bone towards the sky behind you;
  • Feel the nice stretch on your entire body, hamstrings, legs, core;
  • Hold the pose for a few breaths;
  • Once you are ready, exhale & bring your right leg forward, repeating steps 4 & 5;

Repeat: 4 – Low Lunge (Anjaneyasana) & 5 – Half Splits (Ardha Hanumanasana) on the opposite side.

Once youโ€™ve finalized the sequence on both sides, you can come back straight up, positioning yourself like in 1 – Mountain Pose (Tadasana).

Once again balancing and distributing your weight evenly on both feet, feeling the warmth and the energy growing on your body;

8 – Standing-up knee hugs

Yoga pose Standing-up knee hugs
  • After a couple respirations, you can shift your weight on one leg;
  • Interlace your fingers, catch your right knee & give it a hug ;
  • Rotate your right ankle clockwise and anti-clockwise for a few moments;
Best Yoga for Runners
  • Take the same leg backward, maintaining your balance;
  • Feel all the stretch on the quadriceps muscles;
  • Slowly release, & get ready to repeat the same stretch with the opposite leg;

9 – Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with hands up

Once you finalized warming-up your ankles and legs, you can bring your attention back to the centre to finalize and close this flow.

Yoga pose Mountain Pose (Tadasana) with hands up
  • With both feet firms on the floor, spine straight;
  • Raise the arms overhead & stretch;
  • Hold it for a few breaths;
  • Release it & congratulations, you are ready for your run;

With this simple Routine of Yoga for runners, your body is warmed-up & ready for a run!

Those are some exercises to get your body warmed up before an activity. We also recommend a light stretch after your exercise to help the transition of your body to cool-down.

This way, avoiding strains on your muscles, keeping them flexible & toned bringing a good sensation to your body.

If you have really thigh hamstrings, check out this video with some nice stretches for your legs!

What did you think about this sequence? Does it feel right to you? Would add any other pose to it? Let us know!

If you are interested in more Yoga Routines & material, check our Yoga section. We are posting weekly content from many yoga teachers from all around the world!

Not only Yoga for Runners, on our website we have plenty of material (blogs & courses) to help you improve your performance.

Check out our: Top 10 tips to improve your running during the pandemic & lockdown time.

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Pedro M.
Camille & Pedro are a couple of Yogi Travellers, sharing their passion through countries & learning at each stop. From Yoga Communities in New Zealand, Meditation Temples in Australia, Yoga Retreats in Asia and Europe. They love Ayurveda, Yin Yoga, Hatha Yoga & Vinyasa Yoga. You can follow their Yogic journey & book yoga classes on Instagram @yoga_camille.

8 thoughts on “Best Yoga for Runners

  1. Thanks for those great tips ! Really appreciate that. ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿฝ

  2. very good and very important for our health! Liked it very much ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿป๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

  3. Very well written. Appreciate the tips. Gonna follow then in my next sprint.

    Tks Pedro

    1. Thanks Felipe.
      Really glad you like this article and let us know about any other suggestion or sport topics you would like to learn more. Elearningsport is not about us but about YOU.
      Thanks, keep training an stay healthy

  4. Great tips! Thanks for sharing. Your work is awesome! Really appreciate!

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