Top 5 Ways to Get Rid of Muscle Soreness After a Hard Run Recovery & Injury management Running by elearningsport - 05/03/202106/03/20210 5 ways to get rid of muscle soreness after hard run 5 ways to get rid of muscle soreness after hard run. Experiencing muscle stiffness or soreness after a severe workout is very common. Similarly, most runners will experience muscle soreness 24 hours to 48 hours after a hard run. Although it mostly affects those who are new to running, experienced runners are not spared either, especially after managing an increased distance and intensity. So what are the 5 ways to get rid muscles soreness after a hard run ? Are your muscles screaming in pain after yesterday’s workout? Don't worry; instead, take it as a good sign. According to experts, DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) occurs after intense exercise and
Top 10 Recovery Rules For Runners Recovery & Injury management Running by elearningsport - 09/02/202125/02/20210 Runners have goals that they look forward to achieving but have wonder also what are the top 10 recovery rules ? The goals range from improving their speed, enhancing endurance, or just keeping fit. As a result, they must train hard until they achieve their goal. But the time they spend doing other things apart from running counts. It determines whether they achieve their goal or not. Besides, it helps the body to recover and adapt. Engaging in other activities helps to eliminate possible breakdown which may hinder success. Rules that could help the body recover after running range from cold therapy to stimulating the muscles to having enough sleep. They must also engage in social activities,refuel their bodies and help the
Running in the snow: Why is worth it and recommended trainings? Running by elearningsport - 02/02/202102/02/20210 Running in the snow ? Are you crazy ? This is what you will probably hear from most people. Weather temperature went below 0 degree since few days here and there is snow everywhere. Most people will see that as reason to stay home and not go for running. However, it is representing great opportunities for you not only for your body but also your mind. So why is it worth it ? There are many reasons, from the various resources you can find, but overall there is a tendency to agee on those key ones: Boost your immune system and increase your aerobic activityCold weather make you feel stronger and you burn more calories that you thinkLeaves you a higher
Best Yoga for Runners Running Yoga by Pedro M. - 27/12/202021/05/20218 Best Yoga for Runners The Simple Yoga Flow for Runners! Best Yoga for Runners, A shout-out to all sports lovers out there, for those who practice indoor or outdoor sports. In this article, we'll share a simple routine of Best Yoga for Runners to help you warm-up before your activity. You may be questioning yourself, but why warm-up? Firstly, warming-up is highly recommended before any activity and also afterwards. Stretching after your run helps your body to cool-down. It is such an important part, and at the same time one of the most neglected. According to the National Sports Medicine Institute a warm-up consists of a series of exercises to: Increase circulation;Increase body temperature;Bring the heart rate up; Your muscles will be more prepared for the
Top 10 tips to improve your running during pandemic lockdown time Performance Improvement Running by hamza - 23/12/202021/01/20210 Times are weird right now because of the famous pandemic, allowing people to adapt to new strategies to keep the world moving. Citizens are looking for different ways to keep themselves busy. And one of the methods, the people are accomodating is physical activity. According to scales, more and more active runners are emerging during these times of COVID-19. cording to the WHO, a strong immune system is a key element in protecting yourself from the virus. A good diet and an active lifestyle are important factors for getting that immunity. Let's assume that you are eating greens and reds, but are you focusing on your running? Whether you are a new runner or a regular one, the first step is the